Friday, 18 January 2019

Understanding How BEE Five Star Rating Is Going To Benefit You

Star rating is a program initiated by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency. When buying an appliance, the first and foremost thing that comes in your mind is the power it consumes and the cost associated with it in the long run. This program primarily focuses on rating various appliances from the start.

An appliance having five stars rating will be more energy efficient. While as the star rating goes down, the energy saving ability goes down together. Hence, the star rating is directly proportional to energy efficiency.

While it is significantly difficult to estimate the amount of TNEB bill payment and other electricity bills, BEE star rating helps you choose wisely while purchasing an appliance.

What is the Bureau of Energy Efficiency?

BEE is a department set up by the government of India. The primary objective is set to rate appliances on the basis of their energy efficiency. The main purpose of any business or company is to maximize the profit and satisfy the customer.

There has been a constant demand by the customers for energy efficient appliances to reduce their electricity bills. Hence, BEE rating compels the companies to make more appliances in accordance with the demand in order to maximize the profit and satisfy the customers.

Power to the consumer!

Earlier, you could not select the appliance you buy after checking its energy efficiency. With the arrival of the new technologies, energy efficiency can now be measured. The buyers also know what is good and what is not, BEE helps you with that. BEE star rating is easy to understand.

Some buyers even related the BEE rating to the IMDB rating. But it is easier to understand! More the star rating, the more the energy will be saved. Buying appliances with a higher star rating will enable you to decrease the amount you need to spend on TNEB online payment.

BEE creates awareness through various activities

Bureau of Energy Efficiency is not only famous for its star rating program but also for the promotional activities it does. The promotional activities are focused on educating the consumer about the BEE star rating on the appliances.

There are a number of activities for awareness such as:
  • Creating of promotion and awareness about energy efficiency, BEE star rating and other programs under BEE.
  • Provide finance to institutions and agencies involved in promoting energy efficiency.
  • BEE arranges training camps and campaign for people who are interested in performing the energy efficiency programs.
  • The inclusion of energy efficiency concept in the education system of the new generation.

BEE sets the norms for the manufacturer

There are several norms and standards for rating the appliances. The rating is not placed on the appliances by the BEE. The manufacturer does it. The manufacturer puts the star rating on the appliance, and this rating is in accordance with the norms laid down by BEE.

There are various things considered under the norms and standard laid down by BEE. For an appliance to be rated by five stars needs to qualify every rule laid down in the norms. The star rating is not something which the manufacturer places on the appliances according to his will.


As a consumer, it is your responsibility to check the star rating before purchasing appliances. Ignoring it before the purchase will be foolishness. If you are not a fan of making huge electricity bill payment, you should aim at buying five star rated products only. BEE has put the power to choose wisely in your hands. Now, it rests on you to use it intelligently.

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